High Speed Stirrer

High Speed Stirrer High Speed Stirrer is used in the chemical industry, chemical plants, etc, for the Mixing Premixing, Dispersing,...

High Speed Stirrer

high speed stirrer

High Speed Stirrer is used in the chemical industry, chemical plants, etc, for the Mixing Premixing, Dispersing, Homogenizing, Shade matching, Homogenizing and Shearing of the solution. It is a mechanical tool that is designed and manufactured at our well-developed production premises with the help of advanced tools and machines, and therefore, we are able to come up with a rugged, and durable stirrer. One of the motivating factors of the equipment is its ability to uninterruptedly perform for the extended period of time and without requiring maintenance or special care. High Speed Stirrer is available to us in varied technical specifications.

We are one of the specialised manufacturers and suppliers of a wide assortment of High Speed Stirrer. These stirrers are accurately manufactured using finest quality material. The entire gamut of these machines is specifically manufactured as per the set guidelines and standards of the industry. Our entire range of products find applications in several allied industries. Moreover, owing to the several qualitative features like high performance, high efficiency and long functional life, these products are highly acclaimed amongst the customers.


Types of Agitators, Agitator’s Design and Significance


Difference between Agitation and Mixing
Agitation is an induced circularly motion of the materials in a container in the desired way.

Mixing is a random distribution of materials in different phases into another, forming a homogeneous phase.

Agitator Type
Mixing of Solids,
Slurry Mixing,
Used during Crystals
forming phase during
Super saturated Cooling
Heavy duty,
Apt for Slow operation,
Can have 2 or 4 blades
Straight Blade
Pitched Blade
Curved Blade
Disk Blade
Liquids and Gas reactions,
Highly used during Reaction and Extraction Operations.
Generates high  Radial Flow,
Highly used for  dispersion operations
Not preferred for solvents with high viscosity[NMT 20 cP]
Screw type
Have to use in addition  to other agitators.
Mostly used in Food processing.
Uniform mixing of High viscous masses.
Not preferred for im-miscible solvents.
Helical Blade
Ribbon Type
Helical Screw
Most Probably used in Paint industry.
Can handle Visco-elastic liquids efficiently
Low possibility for Radial mixing
Highly used in Pharma Industry for Several Operations
Increase possible heat transfer rate in reactors, from reactor heat transfer surface to Mass.
Required high Efficiency Gearbox,
Required high Power.
Highly used for blending Operations
Provides efficient Mixing and agitation control,
Can handle Pseudo-plastic liquids.
Not preferred when both liquids and gases combine involves 
Suitable for GLR’s, ANFD’s, can handle Corrosive materials with Glass lining.
Will increase the homogeneity,Can be used in two different patterns for drying and pressing.
* Need to be operated at high speed to avoid solid settlings in reactors.
Need to be operated at low speeds in drying operations