Sparkler Filter Press

Sparkler Filter Press Filtration Sparkler Filter Press : We are a leading Manufacturer & Supplier of Zero Hold Up Sparkler...

Sparkler Filter Press Filtration

sparkler filter press

Sparkler Filter Press :

We are a leading Manufacturer & Supplier of Zero Hold Up Sparkler Filter Press such as Fabricated Filter Press, Filter Presses Machine, Sparkler Type Filter Press, Plate and Frame Filter Press, Plate & Frame Type Filter Press (horizontal), Semi Automatic Filter Press and many more items from India

There are various combinations available in size & number of plates to give different filtration area 8 cake holding capacities to meet your process requirements. The work man ship, finish & make of components ensure best quality to meet the industries requirements.

,h4>Principle of Operation

Liquid is pumped through the central channel of the cartridge from the bottom of the body. Suspended particles are retained on the filter media resting on the filter plate. Clean filtrate emerges out from the peripheral holes of the plate, into the tank and comes out from the bottom outlet. Filter tank wall does not come in contact with the un-filtered liquid, hence remains clean.

Feature of Reverse Flow Model

  • Zero Hold Up of filtrate with out scavenging operation.
  • Tank does not come in contact with unfiltered liquid, hence remains clean.
  • Fast & easy removal of filter plate cartridge due to top dome design. Hence easy removal of cake.
  • Uniform filter cake & aid distribution.
  • Higher working pressure possible.

Horizontal Plate Sparkler Filters

The horizontal sparkler type filter is the most versatile filtration system for solid – liquid separation. It can also be used apart from filtration, with the help of filter aids for giving a sparkling effect to the liquids filtered. The filters are most suited for the filtration of products for the pharmaceutical, chemical, distillery, beverage, ink, oil and other allied industries. It is available in different output capacities with a variety of pumps to suit individual requirements.

Horizontal Plate Sparkler Filters:- horizontal sparkler type filter is the most versatile filtration system for solid – liquid separation and available in different output capacities.

Zero Hold Up Sparkle Filter Press Construction

The filters are made out of Stainless steel in S.S. 304, 316 & 316 L qualities.

The cartridge assembly consists of a number of disc type filter plates with perforated support screen, filter media and interlocking cups placed one on top of the other and supported at the bottom by a cartridge plate. The entire assembly is held together with the help of side tie rods which are of ‘T’ type construction for longer life.

The filter together with the pump and interconnecting piping is mounted on a sturdy base cladded with S.S. sheets and provided with castors for move-ability. The filter can also be supplied without pump, where external positive pressure is available.
The liquid to be filtered is passed into the vessel by means of the pump or other external means.
The liquid then passes through the top of the filter plates from the holes provided at the side of the plate and onto the filter media.
The liquid flows simultaneously and individually through all the member plates. Hence the output of the filter depends on the diameter and the number of plates. The filter media then retains the impurities in the liquid and the filtered liquid passes through the central channel to the outlet at the bottom.

The filters are optionally available with steam jacket for filtration of difficult liquids that solidifies at lower temperatures.

These types of filters are generally used for obtaining clear filtrate, but it can also be used to obtain the cake that is retained on the filter media, between the plates.